


Y. Vijaya Lakshmi
Y. Vijaya Lakshmi

Dreams, Hard work and Belief, this has always driven me to the path of success and made me achieve Global Black Diamond Director title.

So if you are someone with a goal in life and are ready to work worlds for it, Modicare is the way to go.

Hi, I’m Y Vijaya Laxmi. Born into a common Indian household, I was never idle. I am a hard working woman who believes that good things come to those who wait for it. Dreams, hard work and belief, this has always driven me to the path of success and made me to achieve Global Black Diamond Director title. This is just the beginning. I am now aiming higher. I am aiming beyond the sky. So that I can reach and bring down one of hose hot and burning bright stars.

Thank you K.K Modi Sir and Samir Modi Sir for giving such life changing opportunity. You have proved that you always think ahead, much ahead of the times. Your foresightedness has allowed you to spread your belief and has lifted countless lives like mine to unreachable heights. The great Samir Modi Azadi Plan is an unparalleled one. Nothing like this has been thought of before. As a result it is such a big hit. And it is bearing fruits of gold.

I thank my upline Sureka ji, leaders and most importantly company staff for guiding me in each and every step especially ASM Manjunath Sir Sandeep Sir and Prashanth Prem Sir.

Special thanks to my beloved team and family members for being the biggest part of support to cross the entire milestone. The journey was a hectic one but you all made it easier with your active participation, round-the-clock assistance and smiling all the times. I owe my success to each and every consultant of Modicare. They have been by my side every time I have felt their need. They have given me advice, shared difficulties, taught me tricks and eased my work. I shall never forget the way they have been with me throughout my tough journey.

I am very grateful to all of you for bestowing your blessings on me.

Hard-work, strong mind set, belief and dreams mixture of these things can change anyone’s life. As it has done to me. So if you are someone with a goal in life and are ready to work worlds for it, Modicare is the way to go.

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