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100% Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Guarantee Seal

"Stay empowered with our 100% satisfaction guarantee"
We have pioneered a groundbreaking approach that intersects to bring our customers only world-class products!

Modicare has made a commitment to bring you the best products. Our ingredients are chosen with quality and purity that meet the highest standards of excellence. Thus, we stand behind our revolutionary products with ‘Samir Modi seal of confidence’ & 100% satisfaction promise. In fact, boldly etched on all products, our 100% satisfaction guarantee epitomizes the pride we take in our breakthrough solutions.

By setting these expectations and parameters, we eliminate the frustrations associated with the returns. Our foolproof, 100% product refund policy guarantees you are never at a loss and always remain 100% satisfied by the engagement experience. Others just say it, we actually do it and treat your investments as our own.

For us, you are an integral part of the lifecycle and we treat each grievance with utmost care. We therefore observe a satisfaction guarantee program on our products and include the following under the same:

  • We ensure a dissatisfied consumer can address the grievance by returning a purchase to the consultant for a 100% refund on the product within 7 days of the original purchase.
  • Furthermore, the consultant has the authority to return the product back to the company within 30 days of purchase. This policy is applicable on partially used products as well, wherein not more than 25% of the product has been used.
  • We want to safeguard your position as a consultant and ensure you give viable options to the customer under customer satisfaction program to honour his/her request. As a consultant, you can offer the following:
    1. 100% refund of the purchase price paid
    2. Easy exchange with the same or another product of the same value

*Please bear in mind that the company will not accept the return of the products without relevant Customer Order Receipt, Product Return Form, and the related invoice.

Read More at Official website

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